The Mothman

This is the full and free version of “The Mothman” by Stig Kristensen. The story is also available on Amazon as e-book and paperback

A Rustling in the Dark

The morning sun bathed the small town of Cornfield Creek in its warm, golden glow. The Morgans’ quaint two-story house, located on a quiet, tree-lined street, was just beginning to stir. Up in the attic, siblings Jake and Lily Morgan were rummaging through boxes of old family memorabilia. They loved spending their weekends exploring the dusty attic, always eager to unearth pieces of their family’s history. 

Jake, sixteen and lanky with a mop of brown hair, was an avid guitar player. His nimble fingers, which usually strummed guitar strings, now sifted through an old chest filled with sepia-tinted photographs, rusted tools, and trinkets from bygone days. Lily, fourteen and bespectacled, had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She cherished these attic explorations, considering them mini archeological expeditions.

Their explorations took a thrilling turn when Jake stumbled upon an old leather-bound journal hidden in a tattered suitcase. Intrigued, he dusted it off and opened it to reveal pages filled with handwritten entries. It belonged to their great-grandfather, a man they knew only through old family tales.

“Listen to this, Lily,” Jake said, his voice barely above a whisper. He began reading an entry aloud, “June 12, 1896 – Encountered the Mothman again today. It seems more restless than ever. Its eyes glowed brighter, like fiery embers in the dark. I fear something ominous is about to befall our town.”

Lily’s interest was instantly piqued. The siblings spent the rest of the day engrossed in the journal, reading about their great-grandfather’s encounters with the mysterious creature called the Mothman.

The journal described the Mothman as a creature with large wings, glowing red eyes, and a chilling aura. What intrigued Jake and Lily most was their great-grandfather’s belief that the Mothman could predict disasters.

As dusk fell, they finally put the journal aside, their minds buzzing with thoughts of the Mothman. Little did they know that their discovery was just the beginning of a thrilling adventure that would forever change their lives.

Later that night, Jake lay in his bed, his mind full of the Mothman’s stories. Suddenly, he heard a soft rustling outside his window. Peering out into the moonlit yard, he saw a large shadow sweeping across the lawn. His heart pounded in his chest as he thought about the Mothman. Was it possible that the creature from their great-grandfather’s journal was real?

Meanwhile, Lily, too, lay awake in her room, the tales of the Mothman swirling in her head. She couldn’t shake off a feeling of unease, like a quiet storm was brewing on the horizon.

As the siblings drifted off to sleep, a strange restlessness hung in the air, hinting at the extraordinary events that were about to unfold. The quiet town of Cornfield Creek, and the lives of the Morgan siblings, would never be the same again.

Whispers of the Mothman

Jake and Lily couldn’t keep their discovery to themselves for long. The very next day at school, they shared their findings with their close friends, Max and Ella. Max, the tallest kid in school, was a gentle giant with a knack for storytelling. Ella, small and quick-witted, was known for her sharp intellect and insatiable curiosity. They listened to the stories of the Mothman, their eyes wide with astonishment.

News traveled fast in Cornfield Creek, and soon the whole school was buzzing with whispers of the Mothman. The creature, as described in the journal, had red glowing eyes, a wingspan wider than any bird, and an aura that was both fascinating and terrifying. Some kids dismissed the stories as nothing more than an old man’s wild imagination, while others believed every word and shared their own stories of strange happenings around the town.

Meanwhile, the town of Cornfield Creek was hit by a series of odd events. Local farmers reported their livestock mysteriously disappearing overnight. Strange sightings were reported near the woods on the outskirts of the town. Unexplained power outages became a frequent occurrence. A chill of fear ran through the community as the events kept escalating.

Jake and Lily couldn’t shake off the eerie coincidence. They decided to investigate the strange happenings, driven by curiosity and a strange sense of responsibility. They knew they were just teenagers, but the tales of their great-grandfather’s bravery in the face of the unknown had kindled a spark within them.

One night, armed with flashlights and the old journal, the siblings ventured out to the woods where many of the sightings were reported. The towering trees, usually a source of calm and serenity during the day, now seemed menacing in the moonlit darkness. The rustling leaves and distant hoots of owls added to the eerie atmosphere.

As they cautiously made their way deeper into the woods, they felt a sudden drop in temperature. A cold breeze swept through, sending a chill down their spines. Then, they heard it – a soft flapping sound, like the fluttering of large wings.

They turned around and froze in their tracks. There, in the clearing behind them, hovered a large, shadowy figure. Two glowing red eyes pierced through the darkness, staring directly at them. It was just as their great-grandfather had described in the journal – it was the Mothman.

Meeting the Myth

Jake and Lily stood rooted to the spot, their hearts pounding in their chests. Their flashlights flickered against the figure, casting an eerie glow. The Mothman, the creature from their great-grandfather’s journal, was no longer a tale. It was real, and it was right before their eyes.

The Mothman didn’t move towards them. It simply hovered, its eyes locked onto them. Its gaze was intense, but not threatening. Jake, gathering all his courage, took a step forward, raising his hand in a tentative wave. The Mothman tilted its head, observing his actions.

“Jake, are you crazy?” Lily whispered, gripping her brother’s arm. But Jake was undeterred.

“We need to communicate with it,” he responded, his voice shaking slightly. “Maybe it’s trying to tell us something.”

They remembered the journal entries that suggested the Mothman could predict disasters. Could the creature’s appearance be a warning? Could the strange occurrences in the town be leading up to something more sinister?

Their encounter was interrupted by a distant siren. The Mothman turned its head towards the sound, then swiftly ascended, disappearing into the night sky. The siblings were left in the clearing, their minds reeling from the encounter.

The following day, news of more livestock disappearances and a minor earthquake had the town buzzing with speculation. The whispers of the Mothman grew louder, the schoolyard filled with hushed conversations and wild theories.

Jake and Lily knew they had a task at hand. The town was on the edge, and they were possibly the only ones who could decipher the Mothman’s warning. They had to trace the origins of the Mothman, dig deeper into their great-grandfather’s encounters, and connect the dots between the past and the present.

Their adventure was no longer about satisfying their curiosity. It was about the safety of their town, their friends, their family. With the journal in their hands and determination in their hearts, they were ready to face the challenge, unaware of the twists and turns that awaited them.

As the sun set over Cornfield Creek, casting long, eerie shadows across the town, Jake and Lily couldn’t help but look up at the sky, half expecting to see the glowing red eyes of the Mothman. Their ordinary lives had turned into an extraordinary adventure, and they were ready to brave the unknown.

Encounter at the Old Bridge

Armed with their great-grandfather’s journal and an unwavering sense of purpose, Jake and Lily began their mission. They spent the following days pouring over the journal, tracing the patterns in their great-grandfather’s encounters with the Mothman. A pattern soon emerged – the creature often appeared near an old, dilapidated bridge on the outskirts of town, a structure their great-grandfather had named “The Mothman’s Perch” in his writings.

“Perhaps we should visit the bridge,” Lily suggested one evening, her finger tracing over the aged map in the journal.

Jake agreed, and so, they planned a nocturnal visit to the bridge, much against the warnings of their friends Max and Ella. But the siblings were resolute. They had to follow the clues and uncover the truth. Their fears, however big, could not hinder their quest.

As night fell, the siblings found themselves standing before the old, rickety bridge. The moonlight gave the dilapidated structure an eerie feel, casting long, dark shadows. They could almost picture their great-grandfather standing there, witnessing the Mothman’s appearances.

The silence was broken by a distant rustling sound, followed by the familiar flapping of wings. The temperature dropped, and a chill wind swept across the bridge. They turned around and there it was, hovering above the bridge, the Mothman, its glowing red eyes piercing the darkness.

This time, the Mothman seemed less passive. It hovered closer to them, its gaze more intense. In its presence, Jake and Lily felt a strange energy – it was as if the creature was trying to communicate with them. The air crackled with an indescribable tension, and then, as if responding to their thoughts, the Mothman made a sound – a low, humming noise that vibrated through the air around them.

Jake, with newfound courage, stepped forward, repeating the same greeting he had attempted during their first encounter. The Mothman seemed to respond, its humming growing louder. Lily joined her brother, her voice steady as she spoke.

“We’re here to understand. To help,” she said, her gaze locked on the creature. “Can you tell us what we need to do?”

The response was immediate. The Mothman’s humming stopped, and in the silence that followed, an intense, brilliant light radiated from its eyes. The siblings shielded their faces, their hearts pounding. When they finally dared to lower their hands, they found an inscription glowing on the bridge’s surface, written in a language they couldn’t recognize.

Before they could make sense of it, the Mothman ascended into the night sky, leaving them alone on the bridge. They returned home, the glowing inscription etched into their minds.

The night’s events filled them with a mixture of fear and excitement. They were now closer to understanding the Mothman’s message than ever before. But they were also aware of the enormity of their responsibility – the safety of their town might depend on them decoding the glowing inscription.

Deciphering the Message

The following morning found Jake and Lily seated at their dining room table, the journal sprawled open before them. Between sips of hot cocoa and bites of toast, they scanned the pages, hoping to find something that could help them decode the inscription. Max and Ella joined them, bringing with them an array of old books and documents borrowed from the town library’s history section.

They spent hours comparing the inscription’s symbols with those found in the journal and the history books. Progress was slow, and frustrations ran high. The symbols seemed otherworldly, unlike anything they had seen before. But they refused to give up, fueled by the memory of the Mothman’s intense gaze and the mysterious glow of the inscription.

Just when they were on the verge of despair, Ella let out an excited gasp. She had been skimming through a section in the journal where their great-grandfather had jotted down some symbols he had seen around the “Mothman’s Perch”. The symbols bore a striking resemblance to the ones they were trying to decode.

Using the journal as a reference, they painstakingly began to decipher the message. It was a slow process, each symbol revealing a piece of the puzzle. Hours turned into days as they unraveled the code. The inscription turned out to be a warning – “The ground shakes, the water rises, the town sleeps forever.”

The cryptic message sent a chill down their spines. Was the Mothman warning them of an impending disaster? Was Cornfield Creek on the brink of a catastrophe?

Word of their work reached the townsfolk, and a mix of fear and hope began to spread. Some dismissed it as childhood fantasy, others began to prepare for the worst, and a few joined the siblings in their efforts, lending their knowledge and support.

Each day, the pressure increased, and the town grew more restless. But amidst the panic and skepticism, Jake and Lily stood strong, their resolve unbroken. They had come this far, and they were not about to back down.

Unbeknownst to them, their biggest challenge was yet to come. The final pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and the siblings were about to find themselves at the heart of a battle between belief and denial, fear and courage, the known and the unknown. Cornfield Creek’s destiny hung in the balance, and the siblings were ready to fight for its survival.

As another day dawned, they stood tall, the weight of their mission resting on their young shoulders. They had deciphered the Mothman’s message, and now it was time to act.

Unveiling the Prophecy

The news of the deciphered message spread through Cornfield Creek like wildfire. The cryptic warning sparked debates among the townsfolk. While some dismissed it as a mere hoax, many couldn’t ignore the strange happenings that had been plaguing the town.

Jake and Lily, undeterred by the skepticism, approached the town council with their findings. Armed with their great-grandfather’s journal, the translation of the Mothman’s message, and an unwavering belief in their mission, they made their case before the council. It was a daunting task – to convince a group of adults to believe in an old legend and take preventative measures based on a coded message from a mythical creature.

However, their sincerity, determination, and the evidence they presented were compelling. While the council was divided, a decision was made to consider the warning seriously. After all, Cornfield Creek was witnessing unexplained phenomena, and ignoring the potential warning could have dire consequences.

Meanwhile, Jake, Lily, Max, and Ella didn’t waste time waiting for the council’s actions. They began researching potential disasters that fit the warning – “The ground shakes, the water rises, the town sleeps forever.” Their investigations pointed towards a potential earthquake that could trigger a flood from the nearby lake, submerging the town. 

Their research, coupled with the council’s increasing concerns, led to a town meeting. The fear in the town was palpable, but so was a sense of unity. Jake and Lily presented their research findings to the townsfolk, explaining the potential threat and the urgency to prepare. The meeting concluded with the town deciding to take proactive measures – reinforcing homes, preparing emergency kits, designating safe spots, and even planning evacuation routes.

As the town prepared for the potential disaster, a sense of camaraderie emerged among the people of Cornfield Creek. Everyone pitched in – neighbors helped one another, schools held emergency drills, and shops provided supplies for disaster kits.

But amidst the buzz of activity, Jake and Lily knew their mission was far from over. They still had to figure out when the disaster was to strike. The Mothman’s warning was a prediction, not a schedule.

One night, as they were going over the journal again, they discovered a symbol next to the Mothman’s sightings. A pattern soon emerged – the symbol was a lunar phase, a full moon. They cross-checked the lunar calendar and realized with a jolt of fear and anticipation that the next full moon was just a week away.

Time was running out, and the clock was ticking. The prophecy was close to unfolding, and the fate of Cornfield Creek hung in the balance. The countdown to the predicted disaster had begun, and the siblings braced themselves for what was to come.

The Night of the Full Moon

As the full moon neared, the town of Cornfield Creek was buzzing with preparations. Emergency drills were held daily, homes were fortified, and emergency kits were checked and rechecked. The tension was tangible, but there was also a sense of unity and determination among the townsfolk.

Despite the meticulous preparations, Jake and Lily couldn’t shake off a sense of unease. The cryptic message left by the Mothman, the subtle signs of looming disaster, and the unspoken fear in the town had all led them to this day. The full moon was now a symbol of potential destruction rather than its usual serene beauty.

As dusk turned into night, the full moon cast an eerie glow over the town. The usually bustling Cornfield Creek was eerily silent, with families huddled together in their homes, waiting for the night to pass. The whole town was on edge, the ticking clock a constant reminder of the Mothman’s prophecy.

Jake, Lily, Max, and Ella gathered at the old bridge, where their journey had begun. Equipped with walkie-talkies to maintain contact with their families and the town council, they waited, their gazes fixed on the sky, half expecting the Mothman to appear.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them started to shake. It was a slight tremor at first, barely noticeable, but soon it intensified, making it hard for them to stay standing. The earthquake had begun, just as the prophecy warned.

Jake immediately radioed the council, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him. “It’s happening. The earthquake. It’s happening now,” he warned. The message was relayed throughout the town, and people swiftly moved to their designated safe spots.

The tremors lasted for a few terrifying minutes before subsiding. But there was no time to breathe a sigh of relief. The earthquake was just the first part of the prophecy. The second was yet to come – “the water rises.”

And rise it did. From their position on the bridge, they could see the lake’s water level rising rapidly, pushed beyond its boundaries by the tremors. With a sense of dread, they realized the town was about to be flooded.

Just as Jake was about to relay the imminent threat, a brilliant light filled the sky. They shielded their eyes and, when they finally dared to look, they saw the Mothman, hovering over the lake. Its eyes glowed intensely, and in response to its presence, the water started to recede.

The creature they had feared was now saving their town. As quickly as the water had risen, it now retreated, leaving Cornfield Creek safe and untouched. The Mothman’s prophecy had come to pass, but not in the way they had expected.

As dawn broke, the townsfolk emerged from their safe spots to find their homes intact and the town unharmed. The prophecy had been a warning, not of destruction, but of a disaster they could avert.

That day, Cornfield Creek celebrated their survival and the legend of the Mothman. Jake and Lily, with Max and Ella by their side, felt a surge of pride and relief. They had decoded the prophecy, prepared their town, and seen the disaster through.

Their encounter with the Mothman had led them on an adventure of a lifetime, made them heroes of their town, and turned the stuff of legends into reality. It was an experience they would remember for the rest of their lives, a testament to their courage, determination, and the incredible bond with a mythical creature that had saved their town.

The Celebration

As the day wore on, the people of Cornfield Creek gathered at the town square. A sense of relief and celebration permeated the air. They had come through a potential disaster unscathed, all thanks to the efforts of four brave children and a mythical creature.

Jake, Lily, Max, and Ella were the guests of honor. The Mayor of Cornfield Creek personally thanked them and their efforts were applauded by everyone. Their parents watched on, a mixture of relief, pride, and a hint of disbelief etched on their faces. Their children, their young, adventurous kids had saved the town from a catastrophe.

The celebration continued late into the evening. There were songs and stories, laughter and a few tears, but above all, there was a sense of unity. Despite the threat of disaster, the town had come together, prepared themselves, and emerged stronger than ever. 

Later that night, as the festivities finally wound down, Jake, Lily, Max, and Ella found themselves back at the bridge, looking out over the calm lake under the light of the full moon. It was the same place where they had first discovered the legend of the Mothman, where they had felt the first twinges of fear and the thrill of adventure. Now, it felt like a silent testament to their incredible journey.

Without a word, they each placed a hand on the cold, ancient stones of the bridge. It was a silent promise, an oath to remember the events of the past days, their shared adventure, and the bonds they had strengthened.

Suddenly, the glow of the moon seemed to intensify. They looked up in unison to see a familiar silhouette against the moon. The Mothman. It hovered for a moment, an ethereal figure radiating a soft, otherworldly light, and then with a mighty flap of its wings, it disappeared into the night.

Jake, Lily, Max, and Ella watched in silence as the creature that had changed their lives vanished into the darkness. A sense of awe and gratitude filled their hearts. The Mothman had not only warned them of the impending disaster but had also given them a chance to discover their courage, to unite their town, and to live an adventure most people only dreamed about.

As they walked back towards the town, the lake calm and the bridge standing tall under the moonlight, they knew they had a story to tell, a tale of their encounter with the Mothman of Cornfield Creek. It was a story of bravery and belief, of unity and adventure, a story they would pass down for generations to come.

Their adventure had come to an end, but the legend of the Mothman, the story of four brave friends, and the memory of a town standing together in the face of disaster, would live on.

And so, under the glow of the full moon, the adventure of a lifetime came to a close. But as they left the bridge behind, a new chapter was just beginning – a chapter of storytelling, of keeping the legend alive, of remembering that incredible summer when the Mothman had saved Cornfield Creek.

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